The eligibility certificate is a legal proof given by the MCI, that the Medical University which the student attends to study MBBS abroad is authorized by the Medical Council of India.

NMC India Contact
Phone support which will be available during these timing: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM from Monday to Friday. NMC Helpdesk will be closed on Saturday, Sunday & Gazetted holidays.

1800111154, +91-11-25367033, 25367035, 25367036, 25367037
Eligibility Criteria
Requests for issuance of Eligibility Certificate if the candidate does not meet any of the criteria at any stage the application for the Eligibility Certificate will be rejected.
If a candidate has joined the foreign medical college on or after 5th June, 2019, then as per the regulations, he/she has to pass the NEET examination. NEET Passing Certificate/ Score Card will be the Eligibility Certificate for such candidates. Applications from such candidates shall not be entertained and shall be summarily rejected.
It is also informed that as per the regulations, all applicants intending to pursue their studies abroad after 2014 are supposed to obtain the Eligibility Certificate prior to proceeding abroad for study.
Eligibility Certificate of candidates shall be purely provisional and does not confer any recognition of their course or permanent registration.
Instructions for the Online Application form of the Eligibility Certificate
New User Registration: All candidates desirous of applying shall be required to create an online profile of themselves to generate a UserID and Password at student login.
Student Login: Applicants have to first register themselves by visiting the NMC website https://www.nmc.org.in/ and Student login on the main page by clicking on the below link:- https://www.nmc.org.in/ActivitiWebClient/open/studentregistrationHome

After filling up the registration form, you will receive your login credentials with one-time password on your registered email ID. This User ID and Password so created will allow the candidate to login for eligibility certificate and register an online application.
While signing in, you will be prompted to change your password. To start online application process, sign in with your new password in your Student Login and click on Eligibility Certificate than on “Raise a Request” now you can fill the form you can partially save by clicking on save as Draft button which is displayed in blue.
The User ID/Application ID and password so generated shall be sent to the registered email ID of the candidate for future records.
The candidate shall be required to provide information under various heads. It is strongly recommended to keep the required information handy before they start filling the application.
If the Login password is lost, it can be retrieved by clicking "Forgot Your Password".
Summary of Steps in Online Application Form Submission
The following sequence shall be observed while filling the online application form:
Fill the user registration form to generate User ID/Application ID and Password.
User ID and Password will be sent through SMS and Email.
Complete the application form and upload your Photograph & prescribed documents.
Agree to the declaration and Submit Application
Take a print out of the filled Application form with Transaction ID printed on it for records.
Candidates are advised to go through the instructions carefully before filling up the application form:
Part A
Name of the Applicant (in Capital Letters)
As per the mark sheet of Class 12th or equivalent while registering the user.
Father’s name
As per the mark sheet of Class 12th/ Passport while registering the user.
From Birth Certificate/ Class 10th mark sheet
Proof of Citizenship: If you are an OCI, one of the following documents must be uploaded
❖ OCI Card + Valid Passport of country of Citizenship
❖ One of the Govt of India Issued Photo ID such as PAN Card, Aadhar Card, Driving License.
Date of Birth
From Birth Certificate/ Class 10th mark sheet
As on 31st December of admission year to MBBS course
Email address
Please give a valid and active mail. Email ID chosen by the candidate shall be verified through a system generated OTP for user creation.
Mobile No:
A valid & active mobile number (Please save it for future reference). Please provide the desired mobile number for receiving information related to eligibility certificate sent by SMS
Aadhar No:
As per the UIDAI, if available
Voter Identity Card No:
As per the Voter Id, if available
Date of Issue/Place of issue/Date of Expiry of Passport
As per the Caste Certificate issued by the Central Government. Candidates are requested to Submit the caste certificate on the prescribed. (General/ SC/ST/OBC) format.
Two Visible identification marks
Clearly Visible
Present Address including Pin Code (In capital Letters)
As per the ID proof’s
Permanent Address including Pin Code (In capital Letters)
As per the ID proof’s (Aadhar Card/Passport)
10th Class Passing dates
As per the mark sheet of Class 10th
11th Class Details
As per the mark sheet of Class 11th issued by the School
12th Class /Intermediate or 10+2 /Qualifying exam details
As per the mark sheet of Class 12th issued by the Valid Education Board
B.Sc. or any other University Examination (if any)
As per the mark sheet of the B.Sc. Course issued by the College/ University
Country of the College/ University in which the admission for the Medical Qualification is taken
Year of Admission in Foreign Medical College/ Institution
As per the Admission letter issued by the College/ University
Name of the Foreign Medical University to which the Foreign Medical College
University name to be mentioned as per the admission letter issued by the College/ University.
Name of the Foreign Medical College/ Institution where candidate was admitted
College name to be mentioned as per the admission letter issued by the College/ University, Country
Part C
Photo: Guidelines for scanning and Upload of Photograph
Before applying online a candidate will be required to have a scanned (digital) image of his/her photograph as per the specifications given below and he/she must ensure that:
a) Photograph must be a recent passport size colour picture (Photograph is in colour with white background). The image must not contain any parts of the body below the applicant’s shoulders.
b) Your face is clearly visible. Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face.
c) If you have to use flash, ensure there's no "red-eye"
d) If you wear glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen.
e) Caps, hats and dark glasses are not acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it must not cover your face.
f) Allowed Photo Size – 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm
g) Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 100 kb. If the size of the file is more than 100kb then adjust the settings of the scanner such as the DPI resolution, no. of colours etc., during the process of scanning.
h) Image should be in .jpg/.jpeg format.
i) Make sure your face takes up at least 70-80% of the frame.

10th Class Mark sheet/ Passing Certificates mentioning Date of Birth
The candidate must upload copies of the self attested certificates.
Admission acceptance letter issued by the concerned Foreign Medical University.
Valid Admission letter received from the Foreign Medical University. If the admission letter received is in a foreign language then the translated letter in English is to be obtained and submitted from the same University/ Institution
12th Class Passing Certificates
Valid Admission letter received from the Foreign Medical University. If the admission letter received is in a foreign language then the translated letter in English is to be obtained and submitted from the same University/ Institution
12th Class Mark Sheet mentioning all subjects
The candidate must upload copies of the self attested certificates. The certificate should be from a recognised board. If the candidates has done Class 12th from a Foreign School the candidate would have to submit the Equivalence Certificate from Association of Indian Universities (for candidates who have done 10+2 abroad).
Proof of Nationality or Overseas Citizen of India
The candidate must upload copies of the self attested documents i.e. Passport or OCI card
12th Class Passing Certificates
The candidate must upload copies of the self attested certificates
11th Class Mark Sheet mentioning all subjects
The candidate must upload copies of the self attested certificates
Original notarized affidavit
The format for the affidavit is uploaded in our website
Download Now
You are requested to upload the original affidavit
B.SC. Mark sheet if the candidate obtained less than 50% of marks for General and 40% marks for Reserve category
The candidate must upload copies of the self attested certificates
Copy of caste Certificate if not General:
The candidate must upload self attested copy of Caste Certificate issued by the Central Government
Year wise mark sheet of MBBS or equivalent course from 1st year onwards
The candidate must upload self attested copy of the Mark sheet.
Passport along with copy of complete visas
The candidate must upload self attested copy of the Passport and Visas
NEET Certificate
Part D
Online Payment:
Fees of Eligibility Certificate Rs.2360/- (Rs. 2000 + GST @18% = Rs. 2,360/-). *Excluding charges as may be applicable by various payment gateways. a. Applications once submitted cannot be withdrawn. Fee shall neither be carried forward to a future date nor refunded under any circumstances. Any claim for refund, adjustment or carrying forward of Application fee will not be entertained on successful submission of application and payment of fee.
How to pay:
The prescribed fee for certificate should be remitted through payment gateway provided using a Credit Card or a Debit Card issued by banks in India or other modes as may be made available and have been provided on the web page. Fee cannot be deposited through any mode other than the payment gateway available while submitting online application form.
Mode of Payment:
I. PayU: You can make an online payment by selecting the option “PayU” from the dropdown menu. It will redirect you to the payment gateway window wherein you can make the payment using your credit card / debit card or via Net Banking. You can also make the payment using UPI.
II. NEFT/RTGS: In case of NEFT/RTGS transactions, please add the below bank details as beneficiary at the time of registration for net banking:

(a) Whether any application has been made by you earlier for grant of Eligibility Certificate.
Old Application Tracking No./Eligibility Certificate to be filled by the applicant to be attached
(b)If yes, whether such application was accepted or rejected and provide details of the communication made by the commission.
Details of the old certificate if earlier applied for the Eligibility Certificate.
(c) Verification Details of the Online Payment
Paid amount: Transaction No.: Transaction Id.: Pay UMoney Id: Date of Payment: Bank Reference No.: to be mentioned
Declaration (Compulsory) I have read the above said particulars/details and the contents as furnished in the attached declaration and confirm that all the information provided is correct and true. I agree that in the event of any information furnished by me is found to be incorrect or false during any investigation or at any subsequent stage, the National Medical Commission may reject my application and/or cancel my eligibility certificate so granted at any time and may take appropriate action against me as per applicable law.
I undertake and confirm that I have filled all the details in the form myself and all the documents provided/uploaded are correct. I also confirm that I take full responsibility for the details filled in the form and I am aware that no changes are permitted after submission of the application form. I am also aware that all fees are non-refundable in case of rejection.
Other Important Information
Before filling the Application Form candidate must fulfil the Criteria for Eligibility Certificate. You can use below link for accessing the Eligibility Certificate Regulations, 2002 Read More
Candidates can access the deficiencies communicated by NMC by entering the information asked on the portal. The portal would allow to respond to queries as well as to upload documents, if so asked.
Online Deficient Document Submission Portal: The deficiency, if any, in document(s) uploaded by the candidates in application form (such as Passport, Proof of Passing etc) shall be communicated through an Online Deficient Document Submission Portal.
The Online Deficient Document Submission Portal can be accessed through following weblink:
Candidate shall be prompted to preview the entire application before submission in order to make any corrections, if so required. They shall be required to submit the application after agreeing to the "declaration". This shall complete the entire process of application submission.
NMC does not edit /modify/alter any information entered by the candidates at the time of online submission of application form under any circumstances.The information provided by the applicant in the form only will be entered in the certificate and no changes will be permitted in case any incorrect information is entered. The candidates must ensure the correctness of the information before submitting the application form. Only the deficiencies pointed out can be corrected or edited and no other information provided earlier can be altered.
NMC disclaims any liability that may arise due to incorrect information provided by the candidate during online application form submission.
Source: https://www.nmc.org.in