Humboldt University Germany
Humboldt University Germany
Campus Mitte is the oldest of the three HU campuses. Nearly all of the humanities, social sciences, economics and business administration faculties and their departments are located here between the French Cathedral, Lustgarten, Bebelplatz, Brandenburg Gate and other sights around the magnificent boulevard of Unter den Linden in Berlin’s historical centre.

University Highlights
Low Cost of Living
Have Proficient Faculties
USMLE | PLAB Coaching
Approved by MCI and WHO

Affiliation and Recognition of Humboldt University
World Health Organization (WHO);
World Federation for Medical Education (WFME);
Foundation for the Advancement of Medical Education and Research (FAIMER);
Organization of PhD training programs in the field of biomedical and medical sciences in the European system (ORPHEUS);
Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE);
Association of Medical Universities of the Kyrgyz Republic (AMUKR);
Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE);
Asian Medical Education Association (AMEA);
International Network of Higher Education Quality Assurance Agencies (INQAAHE);
International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA);
Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN);
Asian Medical Students Association (AMSA);
About Medical University
General Information
2010 marked the 200th anniversary of the Humboldt-Universität. Numerous events from October 2009 to December 2010 honoured the ideas of its founding fathers. In dialogue with the city of Berlin, the alma mater celebrated science, research and teaching, and the relevance of Humboldt’s founding principles for the present day. During it’s history, the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin has undergone many profound changes.
The most recent reformation followed the Peaceful Revolution in East Germany in 1989. Many new outstanding professors were appointed from East and West, from Germany and from abroad. As one of eleven German universities, the Humboldt-Universität was chosen “University of Excellence” in June 2012. It was successful in all three funding lines in the third round of the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments and awarded for its future concept “Educating Enquiring Minds: Individuality – Openness – Guidance”.
In an international comparison, Humboldt- Universität ranks among the top ten of German universities. Scientists here research socially relevant topics and challenges of the future and communicate these with the public. Humboldt-Universität invests all its energy in being a place of excellent research and teaching. It’s aim is to promote young talents and to positively influence society and economy outside the university framework.
Mission Statement Aims and Principles
1. Humanity and the Sciences
The founding and rise of Humboldt-University were inspired by the conviction that the pursuit of knowledge engages and forms all human faculties and so contributes greatly to the humanization of society. Despite several setbacks, there still is today no better reason to promote knowledge and to secure the future of comprehensive education.
2. Continuing Reform Impetus and the Striving for Excellence
The Humboldt-Universität was established in a period of crisis as an autonomous institution charged with facilitating outstanding scholarly and scientific achievements and promoting the critical examination of established knowledge for the benefit of society. Today, this legacy is still holds after nearly 200 years. Those who work here should have the determination and the capability to advance knowledge and to take responsibility for its application.
3. Social responsibility and Cultural
Presence To the extent to which the Humboldt-Universität identifies itself with its own tradition, it is also conscious of its own complicity in the dark periods of German history. In its annals we find subservience to state authority, class arrogance and political fanaticism, as well as examples of teaching and research which ignored the basic principles of human rights. Among its darkest chapters are the burning of books and cooperation in the persecution and expulsion of its members. Against this background, since its reorganisation in 1989 the Humboldt-Universität has seen itself as an institution which stands at a critical distance to political and social pressure. It fights every kind of discrimination, intolerance and cultural hubris.
4. The Unity of Research and Teaching
Humboldt's ideal of the coexistence of research and teaching has become a model for universities all over the world. Central to this model is the idea of research-oriented teaching and the transfer of knowledge from the spirit of research. Students and teachers are joined together in an endeavour to critically examine traditional bodies of knowledge and to actively advance learning. For this reason, the Humboldt-Universität promotes social and communicative competences among all of its members and supports their initiatives wherever it can.
5. Ethical Obligations
Studying at the Humboldt-Universität demands an active engagement in knowledge. This involves a critical assessment of its preconditions and implications. This is also why the goal of any program of study is not just to acquire disciplinary excellence, but also the education of a person, who combines reliability, efficiency, initiative and scientific curiosity. Every student must understand that he or she contributes to the state of the arts and sciences in our society. Our students have the right and the duty to assume responsibility, not only in the running of the university, but also in teaching and research.
6. Innovation in Teaching and in Course Structures
Studying and teaching require two forms of commitment: a commitment to stay current with the latest advances in knowledge and to serve the needs of society. Therefore, the continuous critical revision of the content and types of curricula is an integral part of the Humboldt-Universität's mission. Based on trust in the independence and the creativity of its teachers and students, this makes a large variety of strategies in teaching and learning possible. The reform of research-oriented teaching, however, can only succeed in the long run if the prestige of teaching is enhanced.
7. Research is the Life-Blood of the University
The desire to conduct research is the innovative force behind any scholarly endeavour. Research keeps knowledge alive, it enables and requires a creative and productive crossing of disciplinary boundaries and institutions. As a prominent home for research, the Humboldt-Universität places great value on the preservation of the range of its disciplines and research institutes. This indispensable interdisciplinarity can only be guaranteed through the interaction of medicine, the sciences, the humanities, social sciences and the arts.
8. Promotion of Junior Researchers
All members of the university have the right to work independently, to the extent to their ability. The Humboldt-Universität endeavours to give junior researchers the opportunity to carry out their own teaching and research as early as possible in their careers, because the potential to ennial source for the renewal and revision of knowledge. The Humboldt-Universität does everything in its ability to make it possible for its members to combine parenthood, studying and research.
9. Equal Opportunity for All
Providing equal opportunities for both women and men at the university as well as in society is an important goal of Humboldt-Universität. Accordingly, it does its best to ensure that opportunities are distributed fairly, and to utilize and promote women’s abilities in teaching, research and administration. It employs all available means for achieving equal opportunity at all levels and promises to strengthen its gender studies efforts.
10. Resources, Funds and Alumni
The Humboldt-Universität must acquire additional resources to establish its own endowments, so that it can support additional activities in teaching and research. It provides the university’s supporters and sponsors the opportunity to participate in its social and scholarly activities. Maintaining contact with its alumni and building an extensive alumni network is also considered an equally important goal.
11. The University Administration Humboldt
Universität’s renewal after 1989 has shown that it is possible to efficiently meet the challenges posed by autonomy. An indispensable part of this autonomy is complete transparency in all administrative processes. In organising smooth cooperation between its different institutions and groups, Humboldt-Universität relies on a combination of participation and individual responsibility as binding principles for all groups involved in the continuous process of reform. Teaching, research and the administration welcome regular external evaluations as an important element of the reform process.
12. Internationality
For a first-class university an international exchange in research, teaching and students is second nature. In accordance with its geographical location, the Humboldt-Universität has developed close relationships with northern, central and eastern Europe. This network has now been extended to universities and research centres in other parts of the world, in particular to institutions at the edges of the western world.
13. A Cosmopolitan University
The Humboldt-Universität is the meeting place for many different life styles and cultures. The diversity of people which come together in the centre of Berlin creates a productive atmosphere, which the university wishes to use to promote the talent and vision of each of its members. It takes advantage itself of the stimulating surroundings which the local and the international environments provide and uses them responsibly the benefit of society and of the environment, by critically examining the world and actively working to change it.
14. Berlin - a City of Knowledge Those who come to Berlin in order to study, to teach or to conduct research finds a multifaceted and richly structured landscape of universities and research institutes.
The Humboldt-Universität is very interested in productive cooperation with other scientific, cultural and economic establishments in the area, as a way of furthering its own goals. With its unique artistic and scientific collections, it contributes considerably to the cultural life of the city. As a venue for social dialogue, it fulfils its role of a university at the heart of Europe. History Wilhelm von Humboldt and a select group of contemporaries were the first to call for the independence of academia, to envision the integration of the natural, social sciences and humanities and to demand the unity of research and teaching: none of these concepts have lost their relevance.
The university they founded developed into a forum for lively discussion among eminent scholars like the philosopher Hegel, the law professor Savigny and the medical scientist Hufeland. Following the foundation of the German Empire in 1871, the alma mater became the largest and most renowned university in Germany, home to 29 Nobel Prize winners like Max Planck, Robert Koch or Fritz Haber. Prominent historical figures like Otto von Bismarck, Heinrich Heine and Karl Marx were students here. Owing to this newly gained attention, Humboldt’s ideas spread around the globe and inspired the creation of many akin universities. During National Socialism (from 1933 until 1945), the university experienced the most reprehensible period in its history: among its staff and students were many enthusiastic supporters of the National Socialism regime.
There are few examples of resistance to the regime or the countless crimes that were committed against humanity. This made a new beginning from the physical and moral ashes all the more difficult in 1945. Yet, as early as 1946, lectures were held again in the heavily damaged main building, albeit under the watchful eyes of the Soviet occupying power. In 1949, the university parted with its old name, Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, and was renamed after the Humboldt brothers Wilhelm and Alexander.
Under the influence of the higher education reforms in the GDR, the content and structure of degree courses as well as the conditions under which research was conducted altered increasingly and reflected the Communist ideology. It was not until German reunification in 1990 that the university could break new ground on the one hand and tie into older traditions on the other.
Why Study MBBS at Humboldt University
Medical University provides education in the English language.
There is no donation fee or additional charge.
Faculty members are highly experienced and skilled in their fields.
Moreover, the university engages its students in a range of cultural and extracurricular activities.
There are also hostel facilities with all the essentials for students.
Quick Highlights
Humboldt University
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University Alternate Names:
State Government and Medical Council
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Universitätsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Humboldt-Universität (1995 - 1997)
Universitätsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Freie Universität (1987 - 1995)
Advantages of MBBS at Humboldt University
Tuition fees are low, affordable, and provide a great exposure to clinical settings.
There are many affiliated hospitals where students can gain practical experience.
This Medical University's medical degrees are internationally recognized and ranked by WHO.
For Indian students who wish to study MBBS in this Medical University, English medium MBBS courses are available, so language barriers are not an issue.
Because the class size is limited, each student receives individualized attention from the teachers.
Students enjoy staying in hostels and accommodations.
Upon completion of the MBBS program, students may practice medicine in government hospitals in the same country.
Faculty of MBBS at Humboldt University
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Faculty of Law
Students life at Humboldt University
Campus Mitte is the oldest of the three HU campuses. Nearly all of the humanities, social sciences, economics and business administration faculties and their departments are located here between the French Cathedral, Lustgarten, Bebelplatz, Brandenburg Gate and other sights around the magnificent boulevard of Unter den Linden in Berlin’s historical centre. The heart of Campus Mitte is HU’s main building at Unter den Linden 6, with numerous political institutions, embassies, historic buildings, cultural institutes, cafés, shops and hotels nearby.
With its true research and teaching treasures, Campus Mitte adds a gallant touch to its historical surroundings. The more than 100 different scientific collections there contain over 30 million objects – including exhibits from Alexander von Humboldt’s travels and the private library of the Brothers Grimm. Humboldt-Universität has an impact on city life as a result of its artistic and scientific collections. The campus has experienced more than 200 years of eventful history – a history shaped by its very special location, once at the centre of Prussia and Germany, next the capital of East Germany, and now the centre of the reunified German nation.
Humboldt-University was one of the first universities to introduce Bachelor's and Master's degrees in 2001. The name Humboldt-Universität is well known throughout the world, and the internationally recognised degrees open all doors for our graduates. Courses are held at the traditional institutes of Campus Mitte, the picturesque Campus Nord or on the modern Natural Science Campus Adlershof. The newly constructed university library, the Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum, gives access to more than four million books and periodicals in open stacks or by ordering them via the Internet.
Beyond the academic framework, Humboldt-Universität offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Nearly 100 different sports bring movement onto the campus; and the Language Centre offers a broad variety of courses not only ranging from Arabic to sign language, but also including German language courses for international students at many different levels.
Apart from the general and subject-specific advice and consultation services common to large universities, Humboldt-Universität offers a supplementary counselling and support network to students, thus providing legal, social as well as psychological guidance. Child care is offered on Campus Mitte and Campus Adlershof to support young parents during their studies. Furthermore, specific programmes help top athletes to combine their degree course with intensive training
Humboldt University Ranking
Humboldt University Germany Country Ranking is 1
Humboldt University Germany World Ranking is 117
Eligibility Criteria for Admission at Humboldt University
Candidates must have passed higher secondary examination with Science subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Candidates must have an aggregate of 50% in PCB or more in your 12th results.
Students must be 17 years or more for medical education in this university.
All Indian students going to study MBBS abroad have to qualify NEET exams.
Admission Process at Humboldt University
Step 1: Complete the online application provided by the University. or Fill out the course registration form from our website then we will be doing all the below steps .
Step 2: Print out the application. Send the signed form along with the required documents listed below to the university.
Step 3: Scan the documents and email them to the admissions office with a subject line of 'Application for Admission' in the body of the email.
Step 4: Documents can be submitted only until the application deadline. Be sure to submit all documents before the final submission date.
Step 5: After verification of the student's documents by Medical University, the University will send the student the acceptance or rejection letter accordingly.
Step 6: Payment of initial fees should be done once the candidate is accepted. Upon receiving the acknowledgment letter, the student will receive their fee.
Step 7: Students have to do the following documentation translation, apostle attestation of the basic documents of education.
Step 7: If the applicant has been accepted, they must immediately apply for a student visa . University will mail students their Invitation letters.
Documents Required for Admission at Humboldt University
Copy of 10th grade mark-sheet
Copy of 12th grade mark-sheet
NEET scorecard
10 passport size photographs
Official invitation letter from university
Copy of International passport of student
Copy of Birth certificate
Medical test report
Hostel And Mess Facilities available at Humboldt University
University has a very good hostel campus with free Wifi access. Accommodations for students are available as singles, doubles and triples. Additionally, there are separate hostels for women and men. All hostels are furnished with beds, chairs, tables, and other necessary items. Facilities within the campus include a supermarket, a clinic, a pharmacy, etc. The hostel is monitored by CCTV 24 hours a day. For Indian students on campus, Mess is also available. All students are subject to strict hostel rules. The hostel also serves Indian food.
MBBS Syllabus at Humboldt University
First Year
Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, Biochemistry
Second Year
General Pathology, Cell Biology, Microbiology, Pharmacology
Third Year
Pathology- Anatomy & Physiology , Pediatrics
Fourth year - Final Year
General Surgery, Neurology, Primary Care medicine, Oncology, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Neurology and Psychiatry, Psychology, ENT, Emergency Medicine, Cardiology
MBBS Duration at Humboldt University
The Humboldt University provides a six years course of MBBS including 1 year of internship. The students also get an excellent opportunity to practice at University-affiliated hospitals after getting a 5-year MBBS degree dedicated to theoretical education of medicine.
Benefits of Studying MBBS at Humboldt University
Top class university
Just like in India, universities/institutes abroad provide students with state-of-the-art universities complete with modern amenities for a wholesome education experience. The universities not only boast world-class faculty but also provide internationally recognized degrees to students to be able to create a mark in the medical field globally. Universities and colleges abroad also provide paramount safety and security to students so they are able to feel at home in a foreign land.
Use of English language
To attract international students, a lot of colleges and universities abroad use English as their primary language of instructions and communication in medical universities. This again works as an advantage in attracting international and Indian students. However, applicants should note that it is always an added bonus to be versed in the local language.
Better ROI
The cost of pursuing MBBS abroad is at par or lower as compared to private universities in India. On successful completion of their course students are allowed to practice in the host country. This provides them an opportunity to earn big money thus yielding a better return on investments in the long run. Tuition Fees in abroad medical colleges are affordable
More number of seats
Due to the limited number of government medical seats in India, and exorbitant tuition fees at private universities, a lot of aspirants are unable to pursue their dream of studying MBBS in India. However, international universities have been able to tap into this student group simply by keeping their tuition fees low, education standards high, and above all providing a larger number of seats as compared to their government counterparts in India.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
To promote a healthy flow of students coming into foreign countries to pursue medical studies, universities and institutions have announced several scholarships and financial grants to students to encourage studying MBBS abroad. Students can check out a list of scholarships available to them to pursue MBBS study abroad.
Global Job Opportunity
The students who are studying MBBS from Abroad gets ample opportunity to apply for jobs in any part of the world. Once they obtain the certificate to practice anywhere in the world, they can get the country-wise certificate as well to be able to practice medicine after their graduation.
About City
Berlin Mitte contains the historical heart of Berlin and is in many ways the real centre of the city. Most of the main sights are located within the Mitte district, as are most of the political institutions and also many media companies.
The area around Unter den Linden is Berlin's primary boulevard and represents the very core of the central Berlin Mitte district. In 2001, the eastern district Mitte was joined with the western districts Tiergarten and Wedding (which has nothing to do with the English word). This can lead to confusion because normally (but not officially) one says Mitte when thinking about the old district. Tiergarten consists largely of the big central park (in the south), on which borders some political and cultural institutions and the Potsdamer Platz, located in a (rather poor) residential area with a high immigrant population in the north. Wedding is similar to northern Tiergarten - basically a poorer residential district with a high immigrant population and only a few minor interesting things for tourists.

School Type: Public
Year Instruction Started: 1998
Operational Status: Not currently operational
Alternate Names: Universitätsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Humboldt-Universität (1995 - 1997)
Universitätsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Freie Universität (1987 - 1995)
Additional Information: In 2003, the medical faculties of Humboldt Universität and Freie Universität Berlin merged to form Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin Medizinische Fakultät.
Main Address: Virchow Klinikum Augustenburgerplatz 1 D-13353 Berlin Germany
Humboldt University Tuition Fees

Humboldt University Tuition Fees
Academic Year
Tuition Fees USD
Tuition Fees INR
First Year
13158 USD
10,42,758.34 INR
Second Year
13158 USD
10,42,758.34 INR
Third Year
13158 USD
10,42,758.34 INR
Fourth Year
13158 USD
10,42,758.34 INR
Fifth Year
13158 USD
10,42,758.34 INR
Sixth Year
13158 USD
10,42,758.34 INR
NB: 1 United States Dollar equals 79.62 Indian Rupee
Get updated Fee Structure from Sheen Stein Edutech
Study MBBS in Humboldt University Germany, Direct Admission in Humboldt University Germany, Admission Procedure of Humboldt University Germany, MBBS Admission in Humboldt University Germany, MBBS Course Fees structure of Humboldt University Germany
Campus Mitte is the oldest of the three HU campuses. Nearly all of the humanities, social sciences, economics and business administration. Humboldt University Germany institute faculty MBBS fees logo main campus hostel Student life history mission college world and country ranking course duration medium of instruction city description rector's message course details eligibility criteria admission opening and deadline students photos medical university image registration scholarship collage details extracurricular activities direct admission procedure infrastructure apply visa